miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009

Just Friendship Between Man And Woman: Myth Or Reality?

Author: jurgita.comArticles written: 464Source: http://www.jurgita.com/

Could a man and a woman be “just friends”!? Can it be so, or is it mission impossible?
Nowadays men and women are interacting very actively at work. They have common hobbies. So naturally, the question arises: “Is it possible for a man and a woman socialize without sexual attraction
, tension, passion and stay in platonic relationship?
In this question, we won’t find the only “true” answer. All of us have experience and individual opinion. Part of us would believe that “he” and “she” can be just friend, and other would claim that it is nonsense – if two opposite sex people are friends, one of them most probably will be interested in more than just a platonic relationship.
You can be friends just untill one or both of you will cross “no sex line”. Many people think, that opposite sex friendship is hiding sexual intentions, or at least one of the friends (mostly men) is dreaming about it. In platonic love, there’s no sexual activity, but very often there is sexual attraction. I believe that sexual tension is unavoidable between heterosexual opposite sex friends.
One woman is interpreting: “how can a man and a woman be just friends? There can only be one relationship – and it‘s bed. It‘s funny when he‘s telling - we are just friends. A man and a woman can only be lovers or something like that, but not friends.”
Other woman is joking: “I think that a man and a woman can‘t be friends, unless he‘s gay or she‘s lesbian.”
But there are people who are claiming that people of opposite sexes can be just friends and nothing more. The basic point is that both male and female would have the same views on platonic relationship. If there‘s going to be a friendship between a man and a woman or not, depends only on them.
The basics of friendship are interests and confidence, not gender. Mankind is thinking, that friendship with women is of a higher quality, they can express their own feelings not like with a man. Women like to have „pretended“ brothers, because with a male friend she can feel safe.
One woman suggests how can a man and a woman be just friends: “you should go sleep in one bed (only sleep, no sex). If you will sleep soundly, without any distractions – yes, you can be friends, but if not...
I think that the question about a man’s and a woman’s friendship is still open. What‘s your opinion?

vineri, 9 octombrie 2009

Difference Between Friendship And Love

Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust ~
Love is when you feel like you are the only two around ;

Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care ~
Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart ;

Friendship is being close even when you are far apart ~
Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are not near;

Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best ~
Love is when you bring them the very best ;

Friendship occupies your mind ~
Love occupies your soul ;

Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need ~
Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side ;

Friendship is a warm smile in the winter ~
Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart ;

Love is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares ,
A tender laugh, which opens your heart ,
A single touch that melts away your fears ,
A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven ,
A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth...

Friendship can survive without love ~
Love cannot live without friendship!

Why We Need Friends

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself".
Friends are the ones who are always there for you, whether the times are good or bad. They never leave your side, even in the worst of circumstance. When you are sitting with a friend, you don’t feel the need to say words. He/she understands even you silence. Still, many people fail to recognize the importance of friends in their life. In the following lines, we have explained why friends are important and what role do they play in our life.

Why We Need Friends ?

Friends are always there for us, to laugh with us in the happy times and to provide us with a shoulder, when we feel like crying. They serve as one of the biggest supports in our life.
Friends are amongst those few people who accept us, rather like us, as we are. They never come into our life, expecting us to change for them. However, they do correct us when we are at fault.
It is said that whether you need to hear the bitter truth about yourself, go to your best friend. He/she will never lie to you, just to please you and win your favors. What he/she says is the truth about you.
You can always count on your friends, whether you need any advice or any help. They will shy away from none. The best part is that a friend’s advice will always be for your betterment, whether it hurts you or pleases you.
After family, friends are the one who care for you. They bring a smile on your face when you are sad and they go out of the way to make things alright for you.
Friends are the ones with whom we can share our darkest secrets, without being worried of them being leaked. They acknowledge our worst ideas and try to fulfill our silliest of wishes.
Friends feel happy at your success and sad at your failure. They share all your feelings and make you feel that there is somebody who still cares for you. When you have friends, you never ever feel lonely.
Friends love you and care for you. They always make you feel special and never expect anything in return, other than your love and friendship. They stay true to you throughout their lives.

joi, 1 octombrie 2009


Someone who...
Accepts you as you are,
Believes in "you",
Calls you What is a just to say "HI",
Doesn't give up on you,

Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts),
Forgives your mistakes,

Gives unconditionally,
Helps you,
Inspires you to be the best you can be,
Just happy to be with you,
Keeps you close at heart,
Loves you for who you are,

Makes a difference in your life,
Never judges,
Offers support,
Picks you up,

Quiets your fears,
Raises your spirits,
Says nice things about you,
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it,
Understands you,
Values you,
Walks beside you,
X-plains things you don't understand,
Yells when you won't listen and
Zaps you back to reality.

duminică, 27 septembrie 2009


Love takes time. It needs a history of giving and receiving, laughing and crying...Love never promises instant gratification, only ultimate fulfillment. Love means believing in someone, in something. It supposes a willingness to struggle, to work, to suffer, and to rejoice. Satisfaction and ultimate fulfillment are by-products of dedicated love. They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves; to whom giving is more important than receiving. Love is doing everything you can to help others build whatever dreams they have. Love involves much careful and active listening. It is doing whatever needs to be done, and saving whatever will promote the other's happiness, security, and well-being. Sometimes, love hurts. Love is on a constant journey to what others need. It must be attentive, caring, and open, both to what others say and to what others cannot say...Love says no with empathy and great compassion. Love is firm, but when needed it must be tender. When others have tried and failed, love is the hand in yours in your moments of discouragement and disappointment. Love is reliable. Love is a choice and commitment to others' true and lasting happiness. It is dedicated to growth and fulfillment. Love is not selfish. Love sometimes fails for lack of wisdom or abundance of weakness, but it forgives, knowing the intentions are good. Love does not attach conditions.... Genuine love is always a free gift. Love realizes and accepts that there will be disagreements and disturbing emotions... There may be times when miles lay between, but love is a commitment. It believes and endures things. Love encourages freedom of self. Love shares positives and negatives reactions to warm and cold feelings. Love, intimate love, will never reject others. It is the first to encourage and the last to condemn.Love is a commitment to growth, happiness, and fulfillment of one another.Love? What is love? For some may mean nothing, for others it means everything. But one thing is certain, love has no age and no explanation, it comes unawares and you include them in nets and then you feel the happiest, because love gives life and power to live. Love can be, and is definitely a double-edged weapon, because it is what gives you life and high on the highest peaks but one that takes your life and throw you into the deepest precipices.Always hard to find the right person, persons to whatever gives you the best, but when you will met this, then you will realize you may at first look, first touch and first kiss.And there you have reached the point where you meet the right person. From the moment you feel you float, you feel that whole world is yours, feel that only he counts to you. From now on you life has changed course, for what was or will be does not matter, you focus only on the present moment, on what you now and you do not want to lose for the world. And maybe at some point, you think you never belive you encountered so happy, and when you stop your way and you thank God that you gave Heaven on Earth.Now you know for sure that whatever may happen someone really loves you and you in your turn you wish to have him next to you, happy to do it because it's still the best of the world, the only thing for which you live. You feel that everything is perfect and nothing will ever break, but fate reserve many surprises everyone, since not long dedication as best gift you true love, now it try to take ...You feel like you lost everything, your life has no meaning. All you have now in your soul is his smile that you loved so much and beautiful memories.That's love, she climbs up and down you, is something that not too many people is able, but everyone is entitled to try. Love can be easily likened to a game of cards because you put everything in the game and play until the last card to win because to lose would be the most painful thing in your life.


vineri, 25 septembrie 2009


"Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead."
Everyone says, "How the time flies." The days go by and they are years, and the years finally become our whole life. Each daily portion can be wasted, or it can be a pleasure, before it is gone forever. If a bedtime review of the day concludes that we were too stressed, too busy, didn't accomplish anything, didn't have any fun, then it has been another lost piece of precious life.Perhaps we are putting off our enjoyment until we have more time, or money, or some other improved condition. The trouble with that is that it might never happen, or it may be too long in coming. It's so important to accept this time, this very minute, as something of tremendous value that will very soon be gone forever. There are many ways to ensure that we make the best of our time here on earth.In our daily routine let's include time to enjoy others and thus ourselves. Look and wonder at the trees, fields and mountains, smell the flowers, hear the birds, and watch the clouds in the sky.
"This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle; wonderful, magical and more, to whosoever will think of it." - Thomas Carlyle
Face your problems bravely, confidently, and improve on your situation, no matter what state it be in. Be good to feel good. Be active and improve your mind. Laugh, relax, and sleep well.
Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two things stand like stone:
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in our own. - Adam Gordon